The new Balmain Iyengar Yoga Studio website

New website. Same studio teaching yoga since 1980.

Yes, you’re in the right place!

This is still the same Balmain Iyengar Yoga Studio that’s been running since 1980, founded by Pixie Lillas.

We’ve just made a few improvements and given our web design a bit of a refresh. If you’ve visited our studio before and you have an account already, this still works just as before. Your login details are exactly the same.

So what has changed?

The main change you will notice is that we’ve now built a system to allow you to book classes by purchasing class ‘credits’.

This is designed to make it easier for you to manage make-up classes and to check in on how many remaining classes you might have from your previous term. This makes it easy for you to book in for extra. classes to make up for any days that you missed during the term.

So, let’s look at exactly how you book your classes at the studio now.

How to book a class in 5 simple steps:

  1. Add a some class credits to your cart
  2. Go to checkout and pay for your credits
  3. Go to the timetable page, find the class you’d like to book and click ‘Book’ on the class you’d like to join
  4. Select your starting date and optionally select if you would like to reserve your place for the same class in future weeks
  5. Confirm your class booking by clicking ‘Confirm’

What hasn’t changed?

  • Our certified, experienced teachers
  • Our class timetable
  • Our prices
  • Your website login details


Holiday break – regular classes resume January 28. Join our workshops.


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