Structure of our classes at Balmain Yoga Studio

We teach according to a 5 week cycle. Read more about it here.

The 5-week cycle of asanas

We teach according to a 5 week cycle.

Classes will follow one 5 week cycle, followed by another 5 week cycle, followed by two miscellaneous week before starting the cycles again. This corresponds to our old 10 week term system with a two week miscellaneous week “break” before the next term.

What to expect in a 5 week cycle

Week 1 – Standing poses
Standing poses are the foundation for all other poses. They give us stability, flexibility and a sense of our basic alignment.

Week 2 – Forward bends
Forward bends may include a few standing forward bends, but mostly will focus on seated poses. Forward bends work deeply into our hips and lower limb joints to open those typically tight areas. Forward bends are also quietening and cooling poses.

Week 3 – Backbends
Backbends are stimulating, energising and focussed poses. Here we start to observe the back of the body, which cannot be seen with the eyes but can only be experienced. This sharpens our organs of perception and connects us to areas that are out of view.
Backbends physically open the chest and bring courage and upliftment.

Week 4 – Restorative and Pranayama
Classes that renew and refresh our energy. Once the body is passively opened and the nerves are quiet, we can start to move our focus inwards for pranayama (Yoga Breathing).

Week 5 – Miscellaneous
Miscellaneous weeks allow for more specific work on different areas of the body (hips, shoulders, knees e.g.) or on particular groups of poses the teacher feels would be helpful for their student group (inversions, twists, abdominals e.g.)

Booking a class with us

You can head over to our class timetable page to make a booking or purchase some class credits.

Starting a beginners class at Balmain Yoga

The Beginners classes follow a different foundation-building cycle over 10 weeks. Beginners classes may be repeated to better understand the structure and the practice of the various groups of poses. We find that a strong basic understanding of the foundations helps to build confidence and to more easily move into the other class levels when ready.

Click here to view the beginners class timetable and filter by ‘Beginners’ at the top to see where to begin.



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